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Maybe you've heard about Eminem dying back in 2005 in a car crash, and maybe you've heard the rumors about the new Eminem being a clone of the old real one. Even if you were never a fan of Eminem, this story is sure to be of interest if you are a truth seeker. In my opinion, after researching this even a little, it's obvious that he did die in 2005 and the Eminem that has been in the public after has been a clone.
This brings up further questions of course, like can they clone humans and are they cloning people. This too, doesn't take too much research to realize of course they can and they do clone humans. They can clone them from birth or they can make synthetic clones in a matter of months.
Personally, I was never much of a fan of Eminem. He did become famous during the years I was growing up as a teen and young adult, but I wasn't too interested in rap. So, I didn't even know he went to rehab supposedly in 2005. I never heard any rumors he was killed in a crash. I've been aware lately though that he has been embracing the New World Order Satanic Illuminati agenda, which I figured was just par for the course for anyone famous who was being promoted and not killed or demoted from the main scene.
Truth is, the real Eminem was a decent guy who simply had a wild imagination and some dysfunction that is usual with our younger generations. He had an awareness about him and a no compromise attitude towards the mainstream culture that he despised and ridiculed through his music. This is what made him attractive to a younger generation of people who also see through the bull we are supposed to embrace. The new Eminem is totally different though. This clone that is acting as Eminem now is a total sell-out, homosexual, satanist type of scum bag with no redeeming value as a person- you know like the rest of the "stars" now days - most of which are mind controlled, maybe some are clones.
There are a couple of different types of celebrities when it comes to music and acting, the kind that are organically talented and make their way to the top through compromise and the type that are actually bred and mind controlled from birth to become a celebrity. I believe Eminem was the kind who organically was talented and rose to the top through a certain amount of compromise. With him, the compromise was likely simply that his rap was destructive to society and not empowering people to come to the solution through Jesus Christ. They allowed him to organically grow a large audience for a time.
His time was up in 2005 when he started to likely become more knowledgeable about what is really going on in America in the world in the dark hidden parts of the celebrity scene and in every power scene there is. He likely was approached in ways to see if he was willing to compromise further and basically become initiated into the secret criminal satanic underworld. These celebrities don't become part of the Illuminati, but rather they become willing knowing slaves of the masters who actually are in the bloodline families of this satanic cult that is creating the New World Order. Eminem obviously told them to shove it and so they killed him through a car crash and probably finished him off after if that didn't kill him.
They then went into spin mode and said he went into rehab. Then he disappeared from the scene until 2009, about 4 years later! The new Eminem was very different, and those who are and were his true fans likely didn't buy this switch at all. Many brainwashed people, not able to conceive of what reality is really like, believed the lie and followed after their hero in his new mentality.
Now, we have a satanic homosexual sell-out Eminem who is leading the younger generations into being slaves to the New World Order as well. If you don't believe me about this, then watch the video below. If you don't believe the video, then you might be a clone your self.
This case in study is alarming, because we can surmise that this has been going on for awhile and the implications are far reaching and bizarre. I personally believe that Paul McCartney died in the late 60's and was replaced by a double or a clone back then as well. There is overwhelming evidence about this, but again most people can't conceive of these things. They can't even see that the Beatles were a group of people who sold their souls to Satan.
Watch the videos below (update: the original video used 3.5 years ago was deleted, if I find it again I'll put it back) when you have time and tell other people to not follow this new fake Eminem. Maybe I wasn't much of a fan of Eminem, but I respect that he was bold and told the truth as he saw it. I hope he made peace with God and accepted Jesus Christ in his last days, rest in peace Eminem.
This emienm was always acting strange I knew he was a clone and but its hard to believe that paul McCartney clone shit because I wasn't born yet
ReplyDeleteIt is hard to believe for sure, but when you look into either case it starts to become apparent the unthinkable is likely true. Most people can't believe it, thus the lie prevails, although this clone Eminem is nothing like the real one.
DeleteYou're fucking insane, go win the Darwin award please.......................
DeleteI think eminem is still the same person no i know he is the same person because technology these days cant even make a clone who believes in this stupid shit i am pretty sure they are saying the old funny/crazy eminem is gone and his serious part is taking over his music carrer
DeleteOwner of this blog who written this is fucked up
DeleteYup this blokes crazy his a right wing christian
DeleteDamn right Eminem is dead I loved him as he was before a cloned dumb ass you can tell in his music that he's a fake
Deletehe cant be...im 12 and i am a big fan and smart....i look at his tatto in 2003 but if u look in 20015 he have the same tatto in the place i look 'best friend' was his lates song so he cant be deid.....but there is something i cant get his voice change a LOT and im still trying to find out y
Deletehe cant be...im 12 and i am a big fan and smart....i look at his tatto in 2003 but if u look in 20015 he have the same tatto in the place i look 'best friend' was his lates song so he cant be deid.....but there is something i cant get his voice change a LOT and im still trying to find out y
DeleteFor everyone thinking this is true, it's not. If you live through M then you'll realize that he's the same guy. He was on drugs his first couple of albums. I'm which he said in one of his songs. He also stated that he was going to start living his life without them. This is the eminem off drugs. Which is why he went to rehab. Hope you guys wake the fuck up.
DeleteThank you, someone's making some sense. He was on drugs and then he decided to change and that's why he got off drugs and acts different. Besides, as you grow older your voice changes.
DeleteIt's more like a "Face Off" Job lmao
Deleteunknown yep like all 12 yr olds. Know nothing opinionated little prick who's spoiled and wouldn't know what a hard day of manual labor is like..spare us son.
DeleteI believe they have managed to make clones yes, with so much technology ... even, some artists are talking about it on twitter. But people mature and see things differently. Wanting to change the direction of your career, doing different things and making more mature songs does not mean that you have been cloned. Is not it?
DeleteThey couldn't give you the grasp of spelling and grammar?
DeleteThis is ridiculous. The Illuminati doesn't want average joes.
DeleteIt is a well-known fact that Illuminati consist of Multi Millionaires,
DeleteBillionaires who have major influence regarding most global affairs,
including the planning of a New World Order. Many world leaders,
Presidents, Prime Ministers, royalty and senior executives of major Fortune
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Email : join666cult@gmail.com
im not sure about this
ReplyDeleteI think it would be folly to believe this type of madness unless you researched it enough to convince otherwise, so I can't blame your reticence of belief. I would simply suggest research it more if desire and see if the improbable is likely the truth.
DeleteIt might be true he's a "Clone" or he could of Dyed he's hair lost some weight and worked out a little.
DeleteBut peoples face structures dont change and the fake eminems faces structure is way different from the real eminem
DeleteBut peoples face structures dont change and the fake eminems faces structure is way different from the real eminem
DeleteBut peoples face structures dont change and the fake eminems faces structure is way different from the real eminem
DeletePeoples faces do change but isn't the idea of a clone supposed to be a replica
DeletePeoples faces do change but isn't the idea of a clone supposed to be a replica
DeleteFor the idiots who say we can't clone humans, please either Google it or kill yourselves so you don't breed more stupid into this world.
DeleteYep totally eminem is dead they can clone but they have to be female because they would have to physically be able to give birth to there clone and if he was cloned the clone woulf be dead because they age twice as the regular humans do stupid idiots you are so stupid and he is not dead
DeleteNo.. A sample of dna is needed from the one being cloned, followed by the embreyo being inserted into a vessel-- human embreyos have been successfully developed in animals as well. They don't age twice as fast, ya dumb fuck
Delete100% truth. I've been making a timeline and I believe it was the end of 2001. Possibly when he was on European leg of tour. Possibly with Dre? If you look at devils night lyrics, d12 , it's obvious he had entered the occult before transition. I believe he was immediately replaced by clones and now has look alike. Lots of evidence. Voice, rhythm and timing, the way he holds himself on stage, overall energy and disposition. Originally I was upset about cloning. Now that I've done more digging I am upset he sold his soul for fame and money. There are many turns on the road, and he kept walking. I keep wanting to think of people as unwilling victims to evil, but they want it! They ask for it! Makes me so sad. But this is very real and what they want for everyone. AI under Satanic control. Wake up woke people. This is the end game!
DeleteAbsolute bullshit
ReplyDeleteGreat argument.
DeleteLol please why waste your time expelling your blind ignorance you most truly are a coward to blindly follow the lies you are exposed to. You are not educated in this category if your going to be belligerent and promote the lies of people that want you dead. You should start by watching zietgiest to start waking your sorry self up before you All comment on this here GROWN UPS ARTICLE. IF YOU HAVE A DECENT IQ YOUD KNOW EMINEM WAS DEFIANTLY MURDERED AND CLONED TO HERD THE BRAINWASHED. BEFORE HE WAS MURDERED IN 2006 APPROXIMATELY HE WAS SPEAKING OUT AGAINST THE NWO IN THE SONG "WHITE AMERICA" AND IN MANY INTERVIEWS WAS EXPOSING THE NEW WORLD ORDER. THEN ALL OF A SUDDEN HES PRO ILLUMINATI? ?? GET THE FUCK oUT OF HERE EMINEM WAS A PATRIOT AND A TRUE AMERICA. HIS MURDER WILL BE HEARD! EMINEM I KNOW YOUR ROLLING AROUND IN YOUR GRAVE! YOU IMPACTED US AND WE WONT FORGET YOU! ADAM- MIMINNESOTA.
DeleteYou're an imbecile that should go run out on the highway. I'm well aware of the 13 bloodlines, the satanic hollywood pedophiles, & almost every conspiracy you can think of, BUT you are a special kind of stupid if you believe Eminem is a clone lmaoooo ������������ PLEASE, FOR THE SAKE OF MANKIND DON'T EVER REPRODUCE IN YOUR DUMBASS EXISTENCE ����♂️����♂️����♂️������
Deletedon't say lies brother
ReplyDeletehe is alive
Hes alive but hes fake and cloned
DeleteGosh... wtf... idiots
ReplyDeleteI know right
DeleteWhat all these conspiracy theory idiots never take into account is this...people get older, their appearance changes, their mentality changes, they stop doing drugs and living the way they did because you can't live that way forever. The dude is in his 40's now, is he still supposed to rap about the childish stuff that we all loved when we with teens? Is he supposed to stay homophobic and never grow up? I can sure as hell tell you that as a 28 year old man today, I would not want to still hear a 40 year old man raping about childish crap. He got himself clean, and decided to stop making music for little rebellious children. It doesn't take a genius to figure this out. If they are making these clones, what is the point? Has it really had such a huge impact on society that it's worth the time and effort for them? Oh they are controlling the masses with Eminem's music...people are stupid, but really? And the people that think the masses are so easily controlled aren't stupid for not thinking that a 40 year old man didn't want to rap about childish crap anymore? I will be the first to admit that our government does some shady things...but this? People are just getting pathetic with this crap. Go put on your foil hat and wait for the end of the world that's been predicted a million times and has yet to happen.
ReplyDeleteThere is a huge motive for the New World Order to kill someone like Eminem, because he was an organic talent that wasn't created by mind control projects like Mockingbird and MK-Ultra - you do know about those right? Eminem knew more than they wanted him to, because when people get to the level he was, they approach them and proposition them with selling their soul to Satan and working for them - if the person doesn't want to (Kurt Kobain, Amy Winehouse, etc...) then they either kill them, brain wash them (Scott Stapp), or they can even clone them (Paul McCartney, Eminem) or have a look a like act like them. The reason being, a person like Eminem can influence literally tens of millions of younger generation men to go against the system we are being brainwashed to follow to our slaughter ( you are well on your way by the way).
DeleteI could understand if you had a real argument after seriously looking into these matters, but you show yourself to be simply reacting with the programmed mentality they have brainwashed you into spouting - so your either a shill or an ignorant person who is fighting the obvious truths (albeit wildly crazy).
Yet, I respect your opinion and thank you for commenting.
take your meds you batshit loon
Deletei think YOU been takin TOO MANY meds if u did the reasearch and still scoff, Porch...they want nothing from us all but for us to DIE. donald-marshall.com https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3V-mmiAo-qo
DeleteWhy can't these dumb motherfuckin humans evolve ���� smh I'm embarrassed to be human.. I mean cmon the nigga grew up.. Was on drugs and quit the shit. Now you telling me he died������ stupid asses even if they could clone why would they clone Eminem why not clone Obama or Bin Laden.. Fuckin asses
DeleteYou people are fucking retarded.
DeleteConspiracy theories and cloning Eminem. LOL.
Yeah because they want us all to die.
Because otherwise we wouldn't. We would live forever, right?
Oh fucking christ.
I looked up everything and I still think eminem is alive. As you you grow older you think differently about life thus the songs are different then when he first came out and acts differently. Before people bring out that he looks different yeah he does look different but drug abuse and aging does that because your eyes and ears never stop growing.
ReplyDeleteI respect your beliefs and your opinion you put a good argument but human being believe what they want to so if you believe that eminem is now a clone and find things to fuel your believe then that's your own truth. If I disrespected you I am sorry.
This article doesn't make sense.
ReplyDeleteSo, the real slim shady told the NWO to go F off... then the NWO set emenem up in a car accident which killed slim then the NWO covered that up by saying emenem was in rehab but really they were cloning the real slim shady?
Big hole in the story bro.... if you're gonna go through the effort of killing someone, covering it up, then cloning them... then why waste your time inventing a car accident that no one is even going to know about in the first place?! Lol
Come on, seriously, any agency would just kid nap (abduct) a person then you'd never see or hear from them again.
But to say the NWO secretly put emenem in a car accident that killed him then they cloned him is too funny and shows the idiocy of this whole article and slim shady clone movement.
Just sayin...
I agree the whole story is fantastical, but truth is stranger than fiction. So absurdity would be what the NWO is counting on to defend their establishment line of explanation. I wouldn't say they caused the car accident - it could have happened - it could have not happened- who knows with these liars, but they used it to make an excuse for people to think he needs to go to rehab, which is always code word for brainwashing or something sinister for celebrities. Hey, they may even go to rehab sometimes (Kurt Cobain), but it's mostly an excuse to distract people. Saying they are in rehab is believable for people because they think these celebrities are on massive drugs and crazy, if that is the perception the controlled media want to portray.
DeleteI believe the ability of cloning is much more advanced than most people can comprehend, and so personally I don't have a hard time believing this. I have a harder time believing Eminem changed so much as to be a homosexual butt kisser to the same people he before fought against. He is taking baths in blood, he is dancing with Pink! No way, that is fantasy. No one changes like that...and why do people so easily believe he had such a drug and alcohol problem?
The NWO made Scott Stapp out to be some loon on drugs, but if you watch those videos he put out, he was as sound minded and sober as ever.
And why was Eminem gone for 5 years after this accident? This new Eminem is exactly what the NWO want, a puppet, which is exactly what the real Eminem wasn't...
I believe this is possible due to the fact that the united states can no longer hold a secret or actually cover up there fuck ups if you cant believe or just believe in some of this than you really do think iraq crashed those planes on sept-9-11.. when its was common sense we were set up by our own government... and if our government can sacrifice more people than the deaths in pearl harbor then yeah i can agree with this it only takes one mans voice or opinion to make a big impact in the world and eminem has proved that ...
Deletei believe Tupac is still alive, but this is utter bullshit. I met eminem at the new york 2002 concert. We kept in touch and met him last week. He is the same person withot drugs
DeleteSo where's your physical proof. How do I know you're not an Illuminati member, which you are, trying to trick me into believing Eminem is dead so I can spend money on other Jew things like gas, food, and my bills?
ReplyDeleteWhat would be my motive to trick you into not supporting an Illuminati puppet? Makes no sense. And If I were an Illuminati sell-out I think my blog would get more than a couple thousand visits per month. As for physical proof, were is the proof that this is the real Eminem, cause the clone doesn't match up with the old one physically.
DeleteAnd thirdly, the Jews are simply a front group for people to hate to distract them from the Roman Catholic Church and the Anti-Christ Pope and his military arm the Jesuits, who by the way the founder of the Illuminati was one of.
Did you really not understand that he was being sarcastic?
DeleteI do think something strange is going on with celebrities and Hollywood in general. you need look no further than the celebs who wanted out because they said Hollywood and the music industry was getting weird,examples- DMX,Freddie Prinze Jr, Josh hartnett, Thandie newton, etc.. Clones is a tough sell but some of the other things I KNOW for a FACT that ppl wouldnt believe the Illuminati is capable of makes me at least take this into consideration. Thanks for the info. I will research into things more.
ReplyDeleteA thoughtful comment with consideration is much appreciated. We believe what we believe based on the evidence presented with our own bias as closely centered on the pure truth as much as possible. With this foundational construct of our investigative mindset, we can properly seek truth in matters that defy logic in the established pattern of engineered thought. So, in other words blessing in your search for truth and thanks for the comment.
Deletewho is the guy talking about synthetic cloning?
ReplyDeleteSomething is going on
Truth will always be stranger than fiction. They have done a great job spreading disinformation and dumbing down society. There are still those of us watching, however, and we know the truth.
ReplyDeleteAmen, yes they have done a good job brainwashing people. They really have no limits to their deception considering most people are so very blind, but God limits them, their humanity limits them...Fallen Angels are only so able with the help of their human puppets.
DeleteEminem is still alive yall stupid if yall actually think eminem is dead he growing up he is 42 he gotta change some point and another reason he raps different cause his bestfriend poof got killed he got got shot and that channge him he not gonna be rapping the same like when he was young he even said it in one of his song he said he is not a rapper he is an adapter he is adapting to the new generation he stop being slim shady and he being eminem and marshall mathers he got three personalities he has eminem wish makes you think marshall mathers makes you cry and slim shady makes you laugh but my point is emimem is just adapting he changing cause of proof deaths he even said in a song that he changing cause of proof death
ReplyDeleteLol please why waste your time expelling your blind ignorance you most truly are a coward to blindly follow the lies you are exposed to. You are not educated in this category if your going to be belligerent and promote the lies of people that want you dead. You should start by watching zietgiest to start waking your sorry self up before you All comment on this here GROWN UPS ARTICLE. IF YOU HAVE A DECENT IQ YOUD KNOW EMINEM WAS DEFIANTLY MURDERED AND CLONED TO HERD THE BRAINWASHED. BEFORE HE WAS MURDERED IN 2006 APPROXIMATELY HE WAS SPEAKING OUT AGAINST THE NWO IN THE SONG "WHITE AMERICA" AND IN MANY INTERVIEWS WAS EXPOSING THE NEW WORLD ORDER. THEN ALL OF A SUDDEN HES PRO ILLUMINATI? ?? GET THE FUCK oUT OF HERE EMINEM WAS A PATRIOT AND A TRUE AMERICA. HIS MURDER WILL BE HEARD! EMINEM I KNOW YOUR ROLLING AROUND IN YOUR GRAVE! YOU IMPACTED US AND WE WONT FORGET YOU! ADAM- MIMINNESOTA.
DeleteYou are deluded
DeleteHands down the funniest thing I've read all year
ReplyDeleteHands down the funniest thing I've read all year
ReplyDeletehis eyes look totally different. he used to have those crystal blue eyes...now its changed. his eyebrow shape. i understand perhaps he lost weight due to no longer using drugs, and maybe plastic surgery, but he did really look different before. he looked like an average dude, now he looks so..off
ReplyDeleteOkay... first of all: Scientific evidence?
ReplyDeleteYou have none! So your hypothesis holds ZERO weight, and in the world of objective reality, that means everything you say is a mere theory. And the theory makes no sense.
You keep saying "satanic homosexual". Obviously you are religious, because why else would you bring up sexual orientation multiple times next to the word "satanic"? We all know what religion thinks of homosexuality. And we also know that religion is the lord of false theories and scientific mockery.
And since when did Eminem sell out? Your definition of a sell out is undoubtedly just as misconstrued as your entire theory about Eminem.
This is what a sell-out means: An artist who compromises their artistic convictions and integrity for the well-being of their bank account and social status. PLAIN AND SIMPLE. There is no other way of looking at it. And as far as Eminem is concerned, he didn't compromise JACK SHIT.
Now please sit on your thumb and duck tape your mouth shut, because you just got OWNED.
thank god there are still people in the world who aren't so fucking stupid
DeleteThank you god i cant get my point across to anyone no offence to anyone who believes in god but i think god is a bit far fetched (my opinion) So this makes me not believe this bullshit and besides the world hasnt got this far with technology and i dont think it ever will
DeleteIf you think scientists don't posses the ability to clone you're crazy. We clone food, etc..
DeleteWow, what amazing wit, how could anyone respond to such a brilliant argument? The definition of sell out was really the most amazing part. Of course, you said nothing at all and proved nothing at all, except your bias toward religion and your likely predilection for homosexuality. Just to note, the dead give away of his actual lyrics and music videos depicting satanism and homosexuality might just be the hard evidence you were looking for, then contrast that with his former self (the real Eminem) which didn't have these, and Bingo, you may just have some clues to chew on. By the way, what are you about 13 years old? You might want to stick to cartoons for awhile longer, these grown up topics aren't for children or college students living in their parents basement, just saying....
DeleteI'm not even going to directly speak to the person who started this blog, but I will say this. Whoever came up with this absolutely batshit stuff should probably just write a book with a great plot developed around the whole culture of Hollywood and the music industry and then all of the secretive illuminati and masters of the new world order aspects involved in the background. Otherwise this is all delusional thinking about to morph its way into schizophrenia, that scary mental illness no one likes to have. The writer of this blog has the mental illness in a very bad way. Now if I read this in a book, or saw this story unfold in a movie over the course of a trilogy, I would be fascinated by it because it's not real but sure as heck would make a great story. But the simple fact that the writer keeps using "they" this and "they" that is almost smoking-gun evidence of delusions forming schizophrenia that's about to become full blown.
ReplyDeleteWow, I can't but sit back and laugh at the stuff that conspiracy theorists come up with. These stories they form in their minds about their perception of reality is ridiculous. Eminem is certainly not dead and is not a clone walking around now. Eminem just apparently matured a little bit, like literally millions of other adults normally do with the passage of time. People like Miley Cyrus wasn't killed after completing the Hannah Montana aspect of her life, and replaced with a clone that the Obama administration unleashed on the gullible American public to keep them distracted from his taking down of our society...she really is young, very silly, and literally enjoying the fame she's getting and she really is doing all these crazy antics to keep the spotlight on her. That's all there is to Hollywood, is doing whatever it takes to stay in the spotlight. The same with Justin Bieber, Lindsay Lohan, Britney Spears, all of the Kardashian females, and most certainly that lady Kim Davis in Kentucky and Donald Trump. They are all just doing whatever they do because people are really like that, are that narcissistic and what we're seeing is reality unfolding before us of real people doing real stupid stuff, not clones of their former selves trying to get back focused on the masters' mission to get people enslaved to some proverbial new world order.
Notice I did not capitalize "illuminati" or "new world order" because they are not proper names and capitalizing them would indicate I put them on a high pedestal or something, and believe they are real. But while I'm here, I might as well throw this wrench into the monkey machine of conspiracy theory:
So Pope Francis just met with President Obama, who many people swear up and down is a muslim "manchurian candidate" of some sort, and controls the weather with some sort of secret device, and all kinds of other batshit crazy stuff they probably never, ever thought about George W. Bush or anyone who was a white president, right? I wonder just what did the Pope do or say to Obama in that private meeting they had earlier today? Did he give Obama his next set of orders, which are the most crucial of instructions he has ever received in his presidency so far, to be carried out all over the next near till it's time for...whatever will happen next?
There, just threw together what would probably be a great fiction story. Anything else is schizophrenic bullcrap. Like what the writer of this post certainly has. I feel sorry for that person. They're headed to a bad end without the medications.
You are so lost. I feel sad for your soul. 1st of all the illuminati is just a name people call a social elite group which are the free masons who are actually very real. They do perform rituals, magic and sacrifices. If that is just a game then why is it such a secret and called a conspiracy? Please look up what is a conspiracy by definition.
DeleteAll of these celebrities you named may not be cloned by are brainwashed the same way American youths are brainwashed to become jihadist whom then move to the middle east and perform terrorist attacks on our own country. or heres a good one, they could possibly be inserted with a chip which can actually work as a mind control. Look up the new i.d chips that are going to be pushed on us in a decade or so.
Do you really think your vote counts? ha
The pope knows all about the truth and is allies with politicans to control people like you and I.
They DO host private meetings before going LIVE. Are you serious? Before revealing anything to the public it is revised and approved.
Are you a person who believes Reality Tv is actually real? Everything you see and hear on your tv screen and or radio is scripted. it is written, revised, and approved.
A lot of young celebrities do not know what they are getting into. We might not know fully what happens but we must know it is not normal.
Now with all that being said, Ive never taken any medication for any sort of mental illness.
I dont even get sick from a cold because i know everything is mental.
I just dont understand how you can be so "certain" about things when you don't even know what is really happening right infront of your eyes.
Oh and if you did not know but many countries including our own can control the weather with something called HAARP
DeleteNo fucking shit it's not real, it's tv you stupid FUCK. Are you actually saying that people are being brainwashed and that we are all being controlled by some mysterious manipulative force that shapes the media to their advantage? Might as well put on a tinfoil hat and sit on streets with signs proclaiming "THE END IS NEAR". Fucking idiots. People change, and much more than we think. I still have hope that this whole thing is a troll but then it must be a hell of a good one because 75% of replies here seem to restate the original argument and stick with this retarded ideology. Human stupidity is really infinite if there are people in this world that think like you.
DeleteI think if he isn't cloned then maybe he was forced into some sort of satanic ritual and became completely possessed. His eyes are definitely different but it could be extreme demon possession. I guess don't play with fire. He was.
ReplyDeleteThe Eminem we see is a goddamn clone of the real one....the real Eminem has a short face,flat lower lip....but the imposter has a longer face, a bit of round lower lip and tha bulbous nose...shit Eminem died in 2006 car crash.....man oh man!
ReplyDeleteit is ironic that I found this page and article. From the moment Eminem made an appearance again after disappearing, (back when he made a video with rihanna-i love the way you lie) & (the other video with her-The monster) clearly he is a different person. the video themselves depict a different eminem and not by mental and age growth. to me it seemed like soomeone else and I said it within myself "this is a clone". Cloning has been experimented with for a very long time. Austin powers the international spy movie may seem like a stupid movie to watch but in reality it reveals all the secrets hidden around the world and things happening since the early 1960s. This includes cloning, (mini me is dr. evil's clone) obviously his clone had a defect but Dr. Evil grew love for himself as a tiny person and decided to keep him so if that movie was depicting 1960 then in 50 years they must of perfected their works. they also present the time machine/portal. CERN is currently working on an open portal to another dimension and or time travel. the problem with people is that they are clue less to WTF is going on around them because they are in a deep slumber. People need to wake the F*** up and smell REALITY. People need to raise their awareness and consciousness. The media covers everything up and it is very much regulated and controlled. Scientists have been cloning animals for a while now. and they now can create a synthetic body part/organ with a machine. They have already tested it on rats. If people did more listening and research of their own surroundings they would know a lot more and come together as the people and put a stop to the chaos happening all around the world. I think a lot of people clone themselves especially when they are high end celebrities that want to keep their gross income flowing. They get a clone to take their place while the real person is somewhere on a private island living away from the mass population that might recognize them or some who do not agree with the system are locked up some where deep under ground or just dead. (killed) Not everyone is receptive to the truth.
ReplyDeleteare people really dense? there is this website i have seen and it lets you make up FAKE obits, and eye color does change when i was 7 i had brown eyes now i am 19 my eyes are still brown but they also are green meaning Hazel eyes. Eminem prays to keep his daughters safe, and if this was a clone, then he would have no more talk about his daughters in all his songs he says something about "his girls". because clones by scientific definition can not hold emotion. and all his songs have emotion, Rap god, Beautiful, Mockingbird, Hailie's Song, Cleaning out my closet , Not afraid, I need a Doctor with his mentor Dre, just to name a few, all those songs have emotion. as for his face, hes getting his life together, hes getting clean and avoiding drugs, i use to be skinny and my face was long now I'm heavier my face is shorter. so NO Eminem is not a clone
ReplyDeletethis is bull shit man, hes still alive
ReplyDeleteAssuming the Eminem we listen to now is a clone, please explain to me how he was a bad influence. He is actually a better influence on kids than the "original" Eminem, especially on The Marshall Mathers LP 2. You can see how Em has grown up in a sense. The "new" Eminem raps about serious stuff, examples being "Guts Over Fear" and "I Need a Doctor". He also raps about stuff he would normally rap about, evident in "Bad Guy" and "Berzerk". The "old" Eminem was extremely immature. Although he did put out hits like "Stan" and "Lose Yourself", songs like "My Band", "My Name Is", and "Without Me" were clearly more promoted and sold better. Hell, his album "Encore" was a big joke, and if this article is true, that means that Encore was his last project before he died. To further my claim, Clone Eminem even said that his first album, "Infinite" was childish and refused to re-release it. So in conclusion, Eminem is not dead, he has just grown up.
ReplyDeleteFinally, someone with a common sense. I heard about this stupid theory by an accident and couldn't believe that people take it seriously. Eminem changed, get over it people!
Deletedid Dre know this ._. cus im not so sure?
ReplyDeleteErong man
ReplyDeleteDo u have evidence?
Ok ibdo not know if this story of Eminem is true or not but I have always been a huge fan of him simply because the songs he writes relate to me in many ways I may be really latenon this story but I really hope slim is still alive because he's amazing I cried honestly the first time I heard of this .....I can't help but to get sad because he has had a huge impact in my life and overall I do not think that u havebto sell your soulnto the devil to become famous and I believe eminemnis a great person and as I read before has problems as well as we do as people but expressed it through music...I hope and pray that shady is still alive butnif I find out otherwise I'll be so crushed...before my father left me he sang a song to me by Eminem and then Eminem had soon putnout a new song andnhe sang itnto me all the time....when my father did leave that's when a bunch of his songs started coming out that helped me cope with loosing my father but anyway Eminem is amazing overall and I know not everyone thinks so but I think he is......I like I said do not know if its true but I get so sad when I think of it .......
ReplyDeleteHe sure don't rap about how fkd up society is brainwashed . Like he used to
ReplyDeleteExactly, the whole reason why the X generation looked up to Eminem is because is wasn't a complete sell out and talked about the way things really were. That is the only reason why anyone listened to him is because he was unafraid to talk about anything. It's just, when he got older and more in the middle of what was going on behind the scenes, then they approached him and asked him to join- when he didn't they killed him, cause they can't have someone raping about the truth- and the real Eminem would have rather died than become a homosexual sell out which they require for those who hit the status he is now and was afterwards- like Will Smith- he was willing to take it up the you know what and put it in his mouth, as you can see his children are getting ready to do the same-
Deletelol you niggas are fucking stupid as fuck. eminem wasn't cloned and wasn't fucking replaced he just fucking got older. you stupid ass faggots will fucking believe any fucking shit you hear. the illuminati and satan and the new world order and all those stupid ass niggas you talk about are fucking made up and you fucking queers belive it. your logic is fucking stupid as fuck. if someone raps differently then they must've fucking been replaced. you stupid ass niggas need some fucking pussy or something.
ReplyDeleteGreat argument...powerfully intelligent and thoughtful...
DeleteJEEZ PLZ DONT CUSS The owner of this comment
DeleteFucking dead bruh 😂😂😂
DeleteCelebrities are murdered and cloned,can also happen to you!
DeleteI no for a fact this shit is not true at all just because you can gather info of the internet and you want to believe it doesn't mean your right I think unless Eminem aka marshal tells u his self that he is being payed to be a clone then go on with your life and learn what's real and if your asses are smart enough then you will look back at his music and listen when he was slim shady still all your going to hear is the same voices just a little bit younger tone you can pay someone to look like someone famous but you cant exactly change the voice to the same as his
ReplyDeleteare you high? the new eminem is not a "total sell-out, homosexual, satanist type of scum bag with no redeeming value as a person", and if you believe that there's a new world homosexual satanist cult, you're one of the most idiotic people that i've heard of. if this isn't a joke, you seriously have to rethink what you see as the truth. and you clearly don't know what eminem believes in, whether he is a clone or not; eminem isn't homosexual or homophobic, and he has stated it. do your research and then make your stupid theories. there's a reason why you're getting a lot of hate on this post: you're a fucking idiot.
ReplyDeleteThanks for coming by and contributing, every naysayer as yourself are proving the case with every word you write, your own words condemn you. Basically, everyone who doesn't believe that Eminem has died and is now a clone is very angry and abusive with their words- which tells us something. Great argument, again...it's like the same ignorant person over and over---
DeleteHave you ever considered seeking psychiatric help? Jesus Christ, man.
DeleteHes dead I killed him.
ReplyDeleteI saw real eminem was driving to my place and clone a guy look like him he was my ex boyfriend he told me thats eminem are doesn't dead i know eminem and clone a guy of eminem twin his name Lil Skull ll Shady he had sercet with eminem cause eminem told me no music if he always on the computer i saw him and Lil Skull Shady was following me like 4 years they knows my address and my numbers they talk to me was 4 years they talk ing to me about meet & sex then they are best friends they know each other in 1999 that they told me true :)
ReplyDeleteNot him, how tf you look younger when you get older... And when old girl was showing the pics on Google she kept scrolling right pass Eminem and the Maniquin.... (with her no reading as...) the maniquin (maniquin mk ultra google it) was a complete give away!!!!! Wake up sheeple �� �� �� I used to love Eminem but realized something was completely off. Rehab don't do all that!
ReplyDeletePssst BTW anytime celebrities go to rehab or jail they actually go get they mind control tuned up! Look at Lil Kim, Lil Wayne, TI, My homie Katt Williams (I love him) not the same anymore. And that's just a few. Pay attention to how they are when they come out... Devil horns and left eye but before that they were trying to tell the world about these secret societies and their plans. But they nip that in the bud once they send them to the torture chamber to get they mind control back on track. Some are clones some are mind control. But when they break that mind control they replace them with clones... Look at two of my old school favorites Britney Spears and AMANDA BYNES SHM I used to love her show! ��
And the motive behind them being Illuminati puppets is so they can Brainwash you into Believing smoking, Drinking, popping pills, killing people and have GAY sex is OK so they can make y'all dumb as shiit like you are so they don't have no one stand against the Bullshit they pulling with this NWO!
DeleteFucking kill yourself, you are a scourge to regular sane people everywhere. Thanks.
Deletei love how you mentioned gay sex at the end of your list of the things the illuminati wants you to do as if its worse than killing people or popping pills.
DeleteThe car crash was a hoax. Eminem changed his mind about this all and decided to fight against the government (Mosh, White America, etc.). They then killed Proof to show their power (under odd circumstances). Eminem went into a deep depression and attempted suicide by overdosing on pills. I think he was either successful and they wanted to clone him, or he failed and they didn't allow him to leave this earth yet. It is possible to upload consciousness into either clones or robotoids. Look at the video for "Rap God". It literally shows this happening. It's not a coincidence that the "current" Eminem's face shows no emotion and his eyes show a tortured soul (also which are now different colors). Look into THAT evidence.
ReplyDeletei believe hes a clone..but what songs did the 'real' Eminem sing..my favorite song is "when im gone" is this from real eminem..?
ReplyDeleteEverything including, and prior to the eminem show and some tracks they are still releasing. Like tupac and m.j. they mix them with other artists to make complete tracks. Yes. That was him
Deleteyes he got cloned in 2006 this song was made in 2005
DeleteIt scares me to think that people like you are alive and walking around outside in the world.
ReplyDeleteSeriously, you people need to fucking seek help.
To Jay and those who are too afraid to identify yourself; You are the one(s) who needs help! What kind of shill tells people to go off and kill themselves for believing something other than the narrative or what you yourself believe?! Either you need to grow up or you're controlled opposition. God bless us all if this is how closed minded this society has become! Honestly, this article makes perfect sense and then some. Truth is stranger than fiction, and it looks like the majority can't handle it!
DeletePlease, provide some scientific evidense to back up your claim. So far you have either agreed with people who agree with you or only replied to the people with insults in them to "further your point" I for one think this situation can't happen.
ReplyDelete1. How in the world do you expect not a single person whos actually in the nwo to have not spoken out about the location?
2. I want scientific proof that Eminem has actually changed. The face doesn't count, unless you're going to tell me that your face hasn't changed at all for 8 years. Neither do the eyes, they become duller as you age. I want real hard proof.
3. Link those sources you tell us you researched about, because all you simply did was say its a hoax but you haven't shown any of the websites you say you got this from.
4. Why in the world would they want to clone him? There is no reason to. Sure he has songs, but do you really believe singing is going to force angsty teenagers to fight the government?
5. You keep saying hes a sellout. I don't think you know what that means.
6. You think homosexuality is satanic. That speaks for itself.
Please, respond. I want to see how you reply to people who don't just throw insults, but ask legit questions. Since so far all you have done is ignore people with real questions and respond to the people who agree with you or the people who insult you
You go ahead and supply the evidence that he is alive, and even if people on the inside knew, who would they tell? MTV? haha, every media outlet is censored and if someone came to YouTube like Scott Stapp did, they would be killed or put into rehab.
DeletePlease, you show me the evidence he is still alive. I've already given enough evidence to prove he is not.
People saying were crazy but how did you get to this site? Must have felt some type of way too. Must've thought something was up with Eminem to have found this page... ijs.
ReplyDeleteLook bruh....I think you need to get your facts straight coz this is just crap....next you'll be telling us Obama is a nazi...I think you should sell your computer or laptop or wherever you decided to post your stupidity n take your kids to school so they don't come out as dumb as you did....in the words of Marshall...don't ever try to judge me dude Cause you don't know what I've been through...so next time you feel like writing shit look for a toilet not a blog...good day
ReplyDeleteIn the words of Eminem... You see me walking around like nothings bothering me even though half you people have a problem with me. You hate it but you know respect you've got to give me... So you can write all the stuff you want to about this guy but the end of the day he made it and is making more money than you ever will in your life and your stuck on the other end of a computer screen writing about him making him more famous...I think you should just turn off your computer and go make something of what's left of your miserable life other than being a little bitch
ReplyDeleteOh please. He just grew up.
ReplyDeleteOh please. He just grew up.
ReplyDeleteWhy aren't his ears pierced anymore? Neither one of them?????
ReplyDeleteUmmmm. If u don't put earrings in your ears for a long time, the piercings close....
DeleteWhy aren't his ears pierced anymore? Neither one of them?????
ReplyDeleteThis blog is maintained by a person or more who are not satisfied with their own life. You must be still living in a nutshell. You didn't achieve anything in your life, so decided to insult a very talented person who has gone through a lot in his life.
ReplyDeleteIf you cannot make it, then fake it. That's your motto, Right?
See, Eminem has gone through a lot in his life. He never knew his father,he lost his uncle, his best friend Proof, his wife left. He had issues with his mom which he resolved few years back but still are not in talking terms, I guess. He almost died. He rose from the ashes. He's not some satanic shit or illuminati's fuck.
Fuck you. Fuck this blog.
Amen...this nigga smoking crack
DeleteWhere is Hailey though all this...why hasant he mentioned her since his return
DeleteWhere is Hailey though all this...why hasant he mentioned her since his return
DeleteYou all who are not awake need to do your research. Look up," government cloning" and actually READ the material. It gives u actual dates and names of cloning. It's real, it's advanced, and I feel scared for those who refuse to learn about the world your living in. We are all in danger for our souls and eternity is FOREVER. PLEASE, dnt believe me or this blogger,,,,prove us wrong. Good luck and God bless you.
ReplyDeleteYou all who are not awake need to do your research. Look up," government cloning" and actually READ the material. It gives u actual dates and names of cloning. It's real, it's advanced, and I feel scared for those who refuse to learn about the world your living in. We are all in danger for our souls and eternity is FOREVER. PLEASE, dnt believe me or this blogger,,,,prove us wrong. Good luck and God bless you.
ReplyDeleteProve yourself right you stupid fucks!!! Actually if you believe this your brain probably was cloned, by a pile of dog shit!
ReplyDeleteVery interesting how every one who thinks he is still alive uses curse words and is very angry, I think this is very telling. If a person can't even talk without cursing obviously they are not in a coherent state of mind to understand anything, much less a complex subject like cloning and conspiracy. There are a couple comments that disagree and are not cursing or angry, but that is out of about 100 which aren't.
DeleteThen look at the people who believe this is true or could be, they are polite and thoughtful. Key, is thoughtful, I mean a person has to have the ability to think past their cursing and anger to understand anything significant besides their own vanity.
Eminen lived for his daughter..he did this music. Thing to provide for her...since he been back hasnt even even metioned her name once in the last threeAlbums..not a recen5 picture of then found...need more prove it not him...he mentioned her in ebay album before 5hat
DeleteEminen lived for his daughter..he did this music. Thing to provide for her...since he been back hasnt even even metioned her name once in the last threeAlbums..not a recen5 picture of then found...need more prove it not him...he mentioned her in ebay album before 5hat
DeletePeople who go off the deep end like you did are just in denial, and just scared. Look into thisbefore you go spouting off at the mouth. My friend, sadly all this is true and you are in for a rude awakening. Please do some investigating and don'the be so quick to dismiss this.
DeletePeople who go off the deep end like you did are just in denial, and just scared. Look into thisbefore you go spouting off at the mouth. My friend, sadly all this is true and you are in for a rude awakening. Please do some investigating and don'the be so quick to dismiss this.
DeleteAll hail the clones
ReplyDeleteIt is all very suspicious and Eminem does look weird these days but you can't underestimate what getting sober can do to a person. Being in recovery myself I can tell you that it definitely changes the way you think and behave as well as the way you look. Not to mention he's aged almost 20 years so of course he's going to change.
ReplyDeleteTrue, but have you ever been to celebrity rehab? Why was he gone for years after the accident? Many strange questions, and common sense tells you people who have a strong character like him don't change into a sissy because they are sober...
ReplyDeleteIf you really interested in success and you want to be rich,wealthy,famous,influential,great and powerful perhaps you want your dreams to come true,then you have the chance to do that,join the Illuminati to get $250000 every 3 days and $1000000 membership blessing for doing what you love to do best.contact illuminatifraternityorder@gmail.com or text/call (+17243982072) now for prosperity and fame.
They been cloning people since forever now. Egyptian kings are running around all over the place. That was pretty much the whole reason for preserving their DNA in mummies. Technology as we know it is at least a hundred years far more advance then they tell us.They been programming us to except robitiods and clones thru countless amount of movies. History repeats itself because the same evil people have been controlling it since day one. I'm just talking carp but for real look it up its obvious there using clones. The beauty about today. Someone is always recording! Donald Marshall could get u started. Look him up.
ReplyDeletego fuck your self east side CRIPS
DeleteThey been cloning people since forever now. Egyptian kings are running around all over the place. That was pretty much the whole reason for preserving their DNA in mummies. Technology as we know it is at least a hundred years far more advance then they tell us.They been programming us to except robitiods and clones thru countless amount of movies. History repeats itself because the same evil people have been controlling it since day one. I'm just talking carp but for real look it up its obvious there using clones. The beauty about today. Someone is always recording! Donald Marshall could get u started. Look him up.
ReplyDeleteWhat a bunch of bullshit. Stop smoking crack you fucking retard. Seriously, you are fucking stupid.
ReplyDeleteWhat a bunch of bullshit. Stop smoking crack you fucking retard. Seriously, you are fucking stupid.
ReplyDeleteDead 😂
Deleteu guys are idiots Eminem is the same old Eminem even if he is a clone lets hit one more time for old times sake
ReplyDeleteSo we got people on here with display pictures of Illuminati artists throwing up masonic hand signals saying that he Illuminati isn't real smh.
ReplyDeleteIf your a true eminem fan like myself then you know all this cloning talk is bullshit. He's only different now days because of drugs, rehab and withdrawls. But any real shady fan can tell that he is still alive. In his 2009 album relapse his wordplay us just too complex for any other person or clone. If your not a real em fan don't come at me with this bullshit. He has made heartfelt songs about his friend proof dying way after 2009 that no person or clone can express the feelings and give the details that he was giving in these tracks. So please go find different celeb to make some bullshit theory on.
ReplyDeleteA true fan should know emimen had one reason to do this music thing..
DeleteAnd that is to provide for his daughter hailey.... slim shady lp Marshall matters lp the eminem show encore. All those albums have either either have songs forthis baby or about his baby or what he is willing to do for his baby Hailey....since he came back sober how many songs has he wrote for her or about her...love is power...the new eminem doesn't have that ...if u truly know eminem you would know some of the tracks where recorded before hand ...it hurts me too...em got me through some of my coldest loneiest nights when he was being him doing drugs....now that. He suposebly changed for the better now that he is clean. Sobre and clean and verry wealthy and he cant even do a skit saying Hailey baby daddy is back..í did it baby. ....nope he decide to come back with songs bout being raped molested being gay songs about raping babys..songs with artist he would never do songs with...if you navegue notice new eminem is Alí about the hook of the song..catchy chorus..original eminem hit songs all has him on the hooks...that's the eminem we all fell in love with and admire.. .songs ha d value cuz normal people with normal problems one could relate to.un not saying he dead. Or cloned..all un sayng is do some reaserch. Wit a godly state of mind...and the truth evil... I dobt want to believe it
.....í did so much reaserch and still have doubts ...reality hit hard when h came across no new pics of em and Hailey together nothing recently... still a baby in all the ones. Find...eminem was unique...this fake is a puppet...
I have seen Eminem in concert, are you fucktards should know clones aren't real.
ReplyDeleteThanks for posting this info for public knowledge, I´m glad there are more people aware that he is a clone. If you´re a real fan, it´s obvious that he is not the same person for many facts well explained in the video, thanks again and good job tho. I started listening to Eminem when I was 12 years old and my parents told me that music was inappropriate for a kid of my age lol, until today I listen to his music and I am 27, I recognize the real Marshall Matters. Now the question is: When will people realize that we´re living a lie? When is the population going to wake up and understand that we are living in a manipulated world where we are being mind controlled by the cultural industries through music, tv, cinema, arts, etc. with an amazing media cover up? We have to understand that there are societies (Illuminati/Freemasons, etc.) that design agendas and programs that guide our lives, thoughts and behaviours for not saying more because it´s difficult to believe for the major percentage of human beings but this is the reality. Ignorant who believe that this is fiction, fiction is what you´re living now. Ignorant who think that clones aren´t real, no offense and saying this since there is plenty of material (investigations, researches, videos and documentaries) that explains the techniques and process of creating clones, which is way more simple than you could imagine. You can make a clone but you can´t clone a soul, keep that in mind.
ReplyDeleteAnd please, I hope everyone gets respectful making comments, no reason for insulting each other when giving opinions, all points of view should be welcomed and shared. Cheers guys
ReplyDeleteThanks for your comments, I agree with you of course. The type of comments are black and white basically, with people agreeing or not, it's just that those who don't agree are almost all angry and rude. This should tell those who are wondering if this story has any validity - that it does.
DeleteI know those fans like yourself who really liked the real Eminem would agree that this new clone isn't the same at all. He wasn't a sell-out -- rebellious yes, but sell-outs aren't rebellious, except to God and the truth. Sell-outs are submissive to evil, and clones are simply programmed.
i dont think he was cloned... i do believe he is some what under mk ultra. and thats where he was for a long time. in a few of his videos it shows the mind control machines..and he came out a bit different, not counting out any possibilities tho., it could be anything. he also might be dead and was replaced with a new eminem.. but thats unlikely.. since not many people can rap like him.
ReplyDeleteNeither can this fake one.....
DeleteNot even close...
Old eminem was more about combining everyday words with everyday problems in combinations no one had ever combined.
New eminen. Trys to hard with the metaphors and then take another a couple more seconds to explain what he ment
I am Eminem fan for 10+ years and after his disappearance, when he was back he was so different I saw it and i felt it. It just wasnt him. I believe he is dead and its so sad... i hope people are gonna open their eyes and see the truth but people are sheeps
ReplyDeleteI felt the same way so y just stoped listening to him...im talking about an artist whos words kept me from commuting suicide..eminem gave me hope.. He showed me that no matter what un going through my baby girl needs her her Daddy... .
DeleteI felt the same way so y just stoped listening to him...im talking about an artist whos words kept me from commuting suicide..eminem gave me hope.. He showed me that no matter what un going through my baby girl needs her her Daddy... .
Deleteu r soo smarte man i beleeve in this so o mnuchew rite now u inspir mee. dank u
DeleteEminem fan for 20 years here. What "he" is today..... isn't him. That is just a fact. Nobody changes their entire world view, nose, especially EYES and chin and lips. If this was BS they wouldn't bother deleting the link to the video, keeping out of public and cameras never in his no longer CRYSTAL CLEAR BLUE EYES, No pics of him and Haley Jade etc... all true fans KNOW the real slim shady is gone. He told us in "When I'm Gone"
DeleteFor the simple fact he hasnt recorded any songs for hailey..ir even mentioned her name. In his last three albums since his return ...or even published any recnt pictures. Of him and Hailey togethwr since his retirn....eminen always showed pics of them two from befor... All four albums from before all have songs about or for her....he Sant mention her name in 8 yrs....
ReplyDeleteTrue. My sister is obsessed with this theory and to me that's the strongest point. She said they don't even follow each other on Instgram.
DeleteIts also been said the real eminem from slimshady lp never went mainstream...they been using eminem doubles the whole time that explain the real slim shady video with all the doubles he said it since the beginning there alot 9y me but not quite me...look up old pic before the Maragall matters lp..its a total different guy then who we see in tv...every album had a differnt double ...played different cpersonality...thers interv8ad where em dnt recall his first album hit...he Doña remember hi my name is.....he dnt remember being a remojar star...he Doña know he was married to Kim ...we have all been lied to....eminem was an experiment to attracted t different doublecrowds...every album is d8ffernt every slim looks differnt. The wanted to the tal vos they always wanted...a white man... Rapndnt belong to black no more...they changed the game with eminem..de been fooled since the begening ...Maragall matters lp was tthere first double....that s all the homofobic and hate toward mother entrene...emiem show more towards government...3core more toward 28fe and daughter...we all like em slimshady ..SSH different then all 9e them...cause that wwas the real 3minen
ReplyDeleteIts also been said the real eminem from slimshady lp never went mainstream...they been using eminem doubles the whole time that explain the real slim shady video with all the doubles he said it since the beginning there alot 9y me but not quite me...look up old pic before the Maragall matters lp..its a total different guy then who we see in tv...every album had a differnt double ...played different cpersonality...thers interv8ad where em dnt recall his first album hit...he Doña remember hi my name is.....he dnt remember being a remojar star...he Doña know he was married to Kim ...we have all been lied to....eminem was an experiment to attracted t different doublecrowds...every album is d8ffernt every slim looks differnt. The wanted to the tal vos they always wanted...a white man... Rapndnt belong to black no more...they changed the game with eminem..de been fooled since the begening ...Maragall matters lp was tthere first double....that s all the homofobic and hate toward mother entrene...emiem show more towards government...3core more toward 28fe and daughter...we all like em slimshady ..SSH different then all 9e them...cause that wwas the real 3minen
ReplyDeletewhy dont yous just look at 15:01....and 15:03...then ask urselfs why don't you see the same people in these pictures its the exact same angles...ya yous are fkn stupid to argue with the post...yous can't tell the people are fake what are they all looking at anyways some are not even paying attention in the stands? holographic so stupid how fkn dumb people are. why has nobody else noticed these people here are fake?
ReplyDelete15:43 why that was not posted properly is a wonder?
ReplyDelete15:03 angle is exactly the same as the angle at 15:43..you should see the same people in this shot at 15:43 as you see at 15:03...seeing you don't you know the rest of the story!
ReplyDeletehahhah wtf these fkn pricks fixed this video...these guys are in the shot now at 15:43 too funny. ya im not that stupid i know what i allready seen...fk ur sites a joke when they monitor your videos and comments and can fix the problem before anyone else even can see exactly what i found wrong.
ReplyDeletestfu...your nut's man...like we all come in looking to find a doctor...who the fuck you think you are? comon pal wake the fuck up its 2016...ur stuck in the 80's still...enough said...next1
ReplyDeleteanother fkn jerkoff...same ole fkn stories bla bla bla...send us all 5 mill for signing up and 10 k every week who the fk yous think your fooling? not me ffs.
ReplyDeleteSo what if this is all real but Eminem survived the car crash and is now the leader of like a vigilante organisation where he has to keep avoiding illuminati assassins and he fights to expose the truth but everybody thinks he's a fake Eminem because the "real Eminem" is alive and well and then one episode the two Eminem meet and they have like a katana battle while illuminati agents shoot at real Eminem and this starts playing https://youtu.be/rEU7qAVkSIg?t=27s
ReplyDeleteWhat drugs were the writer of this article on? This theory sounds as fucked up and delusional as the "Flat Earth" theory -_-
ReplyDeleteNow after reading through more comments... I'm not surprised this was posted by a schizophrenic, religious nut
DeleteEven if you're right about Eminem being killed and cloned, I still hate you for being a homophobic ass hole.
ReplyDeleteEminem, before proof's death was like a skyscraper. He was wild and fun but after proof's death he was destroyed and turned to dust. He's still there but proof's death was a HUGE disaster in his life. And also .. people change, you can't expect a person to be the same like always.
ReplyDeleteBS! He lost Ronnie remember? It didn't make him change his entire world view.
DeleteWhy doesn't he sound the same he has a deeper voice come on people
ReplyDeleteHoly cow
ReplyDeleteRihanna and eminem are under my bed people quit this bollox hahahahahahahahahaha!!!!!!
ReplyDeleteLastly what yall think of this shit by canibus called "ploo"
ReplyDeleteCheck it out on deadly search engine
Deadly music search engine
ReplyDeleteOh shit im excited as fuck!!!!!
And whats this illuminatti crap polluting this beautiful thread this is REAL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Must read i do hope most of these fucking slumbering ones wake up one day cause lately its as if im on a planet of my own everyone snoring WAKE UP NUMBNUTS!!!!
ReplyDeletebruh this whole website is bogus
ReplyDeleteBTW if you want to show ppl evodence thru a video...
Dont make it an hour long
fuck this illuminati shit!Why would they kill Eminem?Eminem is just a singer and if u illuminati fuckstards dont know what a singer does.Just Fuck off!FFS Plz dont spread these fucking rumours!I am a die hard fan of Eminem nd i seriously cant tolerate this shit!What does he have to do with illuminati?May God destroy all of u who spread the rumours.Long Live Eminem!Fuck you ILLUMINATI!#FUCKYOU!!!!
ReplyDeleteWhy is the video not available is it because the government doesn't want us to know the truth or is it some other reason
ReplyDeleteWont the real slim shady please stand up
ReplyDeleteHmmm...Let me guess. You voted for Trump.
ReplyDeleteNo, but I believe in most of what he says, yet I don't believe he believes it and I think he is simply a puppet for the Anti-Christ Papacy, and his Zionist handlers. Check out some of my newer articles to learn what I think about Trump and politics. My book Trump Methodology is on the left sidebar as well, if you want to get my take on it. Thanks for coming by.
DeleteGood article. Thanks.
ReplyDeleteThanks for that, appreciate it. After an author referenced it in a Cracked article, to make fun of the clone idea, it took off and has been a magnet for illumaniti bots and a mix of haters and truthers.
ReplyDeleteEminem is a clone !!! Proof is the tattoos thethe clone doesent show the tattoos the origanal eminem did. All the time. Proof #2 His daughter no pictures after 2005. Also no talking about any family after 2005. Eminem is gone as of 2005. Its sad but true. Dont believe look it up urself.
ReplyDeleteEminem isn't gay. That interview video is a cameo from Seth Rogen's 2014 film The Interview. He didn't dispose from the scene from 2005-2009. He didnt release an album, which is probably where your assumption came from, but he did many features. He did Smack That with Akon in 2006, Peep Show in 2007 with 50 cent, Trick Trick's Who Want It in 2008, and Psycho in 2009 with 50 cent. I was interested in your blog at first, but now I see that it is not credible. You didn't do basic fact checking.. He's not a clone. He lost weight. Outside of the weight, he looks exactly the same.
ReplyDeleteAll of you are batshit crazy
ReplyDeleteFace: He quit drugs and exercised a lot after his near fatal overdose.
ReplyDeleteVoice. He quit drugs and that caused his body to continue developing normally.
More Face: It also changed due to weight lost that was caused by drugs.
Rehab: Yes he went to rehab you dumb fucks.
Thats all I have to say for now.
I believe that the earlier Eminem is not the same Eminem as today. I dont know if he was killed off or died by accident. But it would make sense he would be replaced because he was a money maker. If he was dead he wouldnt be making them money anynore.
ReplyDeleteI notice those that disagree do so with cursing, insults and hatred. Those that believe seem worried, concerned and thoughtful. I personally just dont know and wont comment on the story. I'm concerned for our society when arguing and insults are our immediate response. We must admit there is a divide happening in society. People hate others that disagree. This is scary and dangerous for everyone. I honestly love you all and hope the human species finds harmony one day. Peace.
ReplyDeleteAll of this retarded shit you people believe relies on the fact that Satan is even real... If someone had made the argument that he was murdered and cloned for some political agenda it would be more believable but as soon as you start diarrheaing religious BS out of your mouth I know you're not just nuts but also dumb and a sheep who blindly follows what they've been taught and never questions anything like the piles of errrors in the Bible proving it was made by men who pretended they were talking to God and not by the all knowing perfect being who could never ever possibly make a mistake!
ReplyDeleteI love how everyone's making conspiracy theories about him just because they hate him. Pretty pathetic.
ReplyDeleteThey’re not clones they are replaced with actors.