Masterfully hidden enemies orchestrate nefarious agendas with the help of the deceived and cowardly caught in the snares of bitterness and unforgiveness.
Society Under Seige by Deceivers
Some people within the hive mind system were aware of the deception being waged, yet were nearly powerless to help other people see past the decades and centuries of brainwashing and subtle conditioning.
The immense scope of the conspiracy was too much for most people to understand, even those who were bright and intelligent. It took a love for the truth for anyone to find it past the onion layers of propaganda and deception.
The fundamental reality of the post-French Revolution secular world was too entrenched for people to see what it replaced, the Holy Bible and a Biblical perspective for our fundamental reality (perverted by false science now).
From macroevolution to heliocentrism, the false science the Bible talks about is apparent to those who love the truth.
The deceivers first bind the strongman, which takes some work; it took the Jesuits until the 1970s and 80s to infiltrate the Protestant seminaries and put the finishing touches on the Jesuit doctrines they now teach Protestants — Futurism, dispensationalism, pagan holidays, and other subtle changes they’ve conditioned former Protestant churches to accept and promote as truth, even sincerely.
People can be sincerely wrong, yet if they love the truth, they will recognize it as quickly as the evidence can be presented, which supersedes the evidence of their former belief. My standard is the truth, and I’ve found through the preponderance of evidence holistically, that the Holy Bible is the Word of God to His creation, mankind.
The Bible was written by men inspired by the Holy Ghost, who is God in His spirit form. God is spirit and we worship him in spirit and truth.
If you are interested in what I’m saying, or trying to say, continue to read my articles and even listen to my podcast called “The Lowdown Truth.”
The subject cannot be understood in one moment or article, unless that moment comes after many previous preparatory moments have occurred, positioning variables to align according to some sort of involved fate.
Slowing down and removing oneself from the programming is the first step. Then you can let go of all the worries and directions that excite and tempt something very carnal inside. Instead, slow down, accept, and be grateful for what you have, and don’t worry about what you don’t have.
Assess your situation and be grateful for the good things involved, which God in His grace and mercy has provided, even for those who ignore or hate Him.
Forgiveness vs. Bitterness
Life is hard, people get offended by trespasses, it is only natural. God is trying to help, not cause the trouble — he works with the trouble to make things better. God tells us to forgive, not because the other person is right, but because he forgives us for our sins and it will help us to do so.
Without forgiveness, we have nothing but bitterness to look forward to, as we hash the same old wrongs against us by the infamous abusers. Where is the relief? To hate everyone close to us when they offend us and move to a Caribbean Island to live a hermit-like life?
There is a solution, even though it seems to make no sense and one can hardly believe going through the motions of forgiving and asking God to bless the person would really work. Keep up the interruption of forgiveness in the bitterness cycle and the rhythm of hate will subside into a less tenacious vitriol toward the villain of disdain.
One will see good progress with their continued effort until it becomes believable that they could forgive the offense without losing dignity and respect.
We will always keep our dignity and respect, for ourselves and others, that is the ideal no matter the circumstances.
God will bring the victory, we are praying for God’s will, help, and forgiveness for our weaknesses, our failings, and sins.
Eventually, we can see the other with love and care about their welfare, their emotional well-being, and how they spend their days.
For those who want everyone to feel the peace of God, healing for pain, forgiveness for sins, and the love of God. Jesus is the truth, the way, and the life.
Look further through the lies, don’t believe those who don’t deserve our trust, as they have proven to be untrustworthy and manipulative.
Once one has found balance through forgiveness and is free from the snares of bitterness and unforgiveness, then one can focus on what is really going on in our world and our communities — how powerful people are trying to control us to our demise and ruin.
While seeking the truth in the land of lies and bitterness is like a fish swimming upstream, the alternative is to float downstream with everyone else to end up in the sea of regret and sorrow once this life is over and the soul is destroyed in the second death.
The pain and dysfunction from offenses caused by rebellion from the teachings of the Holy Bible have thwarted our society into a selfish chaos full of people who have waxed cold with bitterness and anger toward others and themselves.
Truth is the only solution to deception, forgiveness is the only solution to offense, and believing and following Jesus Christ is the only solution for sin.
In the land of bitterness, deception prevails, yet those who have learned the power of forgiveness are free of the bitterness and deception, as they have found the Kingdom of God within themselves and eagerly wait for its manifestation when their earth suits expire.
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