Scott Stapp |
(Update June 12th, 2015) Video Below Update
It's been almost 7 months since Scott Stapp made those very sincere videos breaking free from the Illuminati matrix he found himself in and telling the truth.
Now, in the video I'll post below this update he is with his Muslim (ISIS related) wife who is his handler, and he is explaining how he was out of his mind crazy, just like the lying Jezebel he is forced to submit to said he was before.
Anyone who has been following this situation with Scott, knows this is another New World Order shut down of the truth. Scott found out some foul things back last year and also was coming closer to the Lord Jesus Christ. This made him enemy number one to the Jesuit led Satanic NWO.
I have no doubt that all the thing he spoke about in the videos he did last year- were true. The man was not on drugs and no-one who is honest would say he was. Truth is, he is trapped in a very bad situation that he never thought could have been such a horror story.
Truth is, this rehab he went to was either a place where he was killed and a clone or a look a like was created to take his place - OR - he was mind controlled with a mixture of threats to his kids. I can't say which, but considering the horror I see in this guys face when he looks at that demonic Muslim woman he chose to have kids with- well, I'd say this is a man who has been brainwashed and threatened into a real INSANITY.
Before, last year when he was making those videos, he was finally sane. Now, he is INSANE and stuck in a real matrix where there is no escape except to love not your life unto the death and rely on your Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. Living a lie is not an option - this if Scott Stapp is even still alive. In my opinion Eminem was killed and the clone is who we see now. Is that what happened here?
Whatever happened it's a real shame, and we need to continue to stay aware of this and pray for Scott and his kids who are stuck in this hellish situation. I bet he never thought being famous was such hell.
Here is the recent interview he gave with ISIS Jezebel, his handler:
(Update April 1st, 2015)
It's been three months since the last update, what's been going on with Scott Stapp? No-one really knew, but there has been recent news about him late last month.
The news reeks of foul play and for us in the know about what's really going on in this country and the world, the news is bad.
First, there was supposedly a death hoax on the internet saying the singer was dead. Then this was found supposedly to not be true and they come out saying he was in a 90 day rehab. I'll include two article about each below this update.
There are no pictures of him, there is no interview with him, only a "band mate" speaking for him saying it was good he was put in drug treatment for 90 days by his family and hopefully he'll stay sober now. Well, this is bogus, because Scott didn't have a drug problem. The videos he made last November and December showed a born-again Christian who was being followed and persecuted by the New World Order Satanic rulers in charge of controlling celebrities. He's recent Christian conversion and awareness of his wife being part of ISIS and stealing all his money - well, this wasn't going to work for the satanist who control the music industry and mainstream culture in America.
We know what "rehab" means. It means mind control torture, just like they do to every celebrity when they start remembering things and thinking for themselves. Britney Spears is a good example.
So, why aren't they showing any pics of him? Why isn't he speaking for himself?
I can only speculate, but in my opinion they killed Scott, and they are in the process of creating a double just like they did with Eminem. Scott's recent conversion as a born-again Christian rendered his programming to not work, so they had to take him out before he evangelized to millions of lost people in the younger generations.
Maybe this is too far out for you to believe. Just wait and see what Scott does next. He will likely show up in about a year and start flashing Illuminati hand signs and singing favorably about sin like homosexuality, just like Eminem. Eminem was absent for about 3 years though.
I've been praying for Scott since his sober truthful videos came out. I hope he is alive and will find a way to escape their grasp with Jesus' help. I hope he can teach his children about Jesus Christ and the Holy Bible and they can become born again and reject this worldly beast system. I guess we'll find out, when whoever it is shows up on the scene claiming to be Scott Stapp. We'll know if it's him or not, they can only fool people who are fools.
Pray for his children in Jesus name to be protected and ministered to by Holy Angels from God.
(Update Dec. 25th)
Since I wrote this post there came out accusations from his ex-wife that Scott was absolutely crazy paranoid riding his bike around with shirt off and threatening to assassinate Obama. She called the police because she said she was concerned. I heard the call and it sounded to me like a total fabrication from her. She is obviously on board with the New World Order to destroy the man of God. Here is the video below:There is more to the story, including his ex-wife being muslim. Maybe she was placed in his life to be his handler when he was younger and more naive and worldly. Also, his ex-lawyer is part of this attack against him. There is a lot of money at stake these people have been part in stealing from Scott Stapp. There is also the fact that he is a born-again Christian and staring to become enlightened about the evil around him. Unfortunately for him, right in the same bed with him (wife). Don't believe what you hear about being famous, Scott is in a complete nightmare as of now. Yet, with the Lord Jesus all things are possible, and he will see him through, and we will all see each other in heaven one fine day. While the wicked will be in the lake of fire for eternity.
Here is a petition we can sign that shows our support for Scott and let's people know we are paying attention. Pray for Scott and share this petition. God bless.
Petition of Support for Scott Stapp
Scott Stapp, the singer for the band Creed has been targeted by the Illuminati satanic New World Order elite for destruction. In the video directly below this post, the Vigilant Christian explains this well.
All in all, Scott released three videos (also below) since Thanksgiving, explaining the ordeal he has been going through. This ordeal is unbelievable considering this is a famous wealthy individual. Living in his car, not even having money enough to eat for a couple days! The money masters froze his bank accounts and actually took his money out! We're talking millions of dollars here.
This isn't surprising to those who are in the know about what is going on in America, but unfortunately Scott doesn't fully understand what is against him yet. The most important thing is that Scott has given his life to Jesus Christ and declares this boldly and unashamedly in this first video, praise God!
Of course, this is the main reason why he is all of a sudden being targeted for destruction. Also, he recently requested an audit of his record company to find out there was in the tune of 50 million dollars of royalties stolen from him. After he found this information out, all of a sudden they froze his bank account and he is dead broke living in his card on Thanksgiving.
If you're wondering why he doesn't have any friends or family to help, just remember being in the limelight famous isn't all it's cracked up to be. It's a lonely place, and when you are broke and used to be rich people don't want you around, especially when you are a born-again Christian talking about a conspiracy. And, yes this includes family members.
Scott finally got enough money to stay at this hotel he shot this first video in down below. And fresh from this difficult time he's gone through, he explains what's been going on. This is very interesting indeed. See, the press and media have been going bananas trying to discredit him and say he is on drugs and drunk - saying he is insane! Yet, he is sober and of a very sound mind as you can tell in the video. It's a total assault from the Illuminati satan worshipers to destroy the man.
I want you to pray for this man, that he finds the Christian remnant and comes to the full knowledge of the nature of what he is fighting against. They are going to try and kill the man if they can. He is open to attack because he doesn't realize the extent of what he is facing. Let's pray he is protected by warriors angels loosed from Father God, in Jesus name.
He wants to make a new album singing about his Christian faith! Praise God for this man's conviction, and as you can see it's very much sincere, although he does even wave the satanic salute in the third video out of ignorance. That's what I mean here, he is a born-again Christian, but he is a baby in Christ.
My wife and I have contacted the Hagmann and Hagmann Report, Trunews, and Steve Quayle to let them know about this situation. Hopefully they will have him on their shows and he will be woken up to what is going on. He needs the protection of the remnant of Jesus Christ at this point in the battle. Intercession prayer is needed here.
The last I heard they have filed a court order for him to be arrested and taken in for a mental evaluation! It's hard to find out information about what is happening right now with Scott, but as soon as I know what is happening I will post an update. If you know anything then share it in the comment section.
Scott Stapp is a fellow believer in Jesus Christ, and we are in intercession prayer for him and his family in Jesus Christ mighty name. Let no weapon formed against him prosper! Creed was a band popular mostly in the 90's when I was growing up in high school. I remember the song "What's this life for?" Praise God his soul is saved, and he found this question out.
Vigilant Christian's Video about Scott Stapp Being Targeted by the Illuminati:
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