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Well, September 2015 and everyone's false
predictions have come and gone. All the fear mongering and freaking
out by some of the Christian community has proved to be again a lot
of fearful blather again. Seems like every fall for the last three
years this type of frenzy has become the norm. I have to believe that
the shadow government has the Christian remnant exactly where they
want them, of course what do I know. Personally, I was only looking
at one particular judgment that was significant – that being the
Anti-Christ of the Holy Bible taking formal control over the U.S.A.
When he spoke to us through our governmental body with standing
ovations and even tears from our supposed leaders- yes that being the
When Sodomites were given the green
light for lawful marriage by the Catholic dominated Supreme Court
(without one Protestant on it)- many fearful chicken littles were
screaming judgment. This didn't sit well with me, because I see
killing 3,000 innocent babies everyday as much worse than the Satanic
inspired government giving the OK for legal marriage by the State.
What does it matter if the State issues a marriage license? That
means nothing to God- only a marriage under the one and only God of
the Holy Bible is a real marriage anyway. So, even if a homosexual
couple gets married under some apostate false Christians Pastor- this
means nothing to God. An apostate is not marrying anyone under God,
and if a Pastor is marrying homosexual they are automatically an
apostate- so what does it matter if they gain the right for legal
marriage? They will absolutely never gain the right for marriage
under God. Yet, many of the Christian remnant community were freaking
out saying judgment was going to come soon! These are the people who
have closed their eyes to the absolutely wicked things being done in
America for decades.
I've become a Historicist lately,
which means I no longer believe there is going to be this future
Anti-Christ figure coming to power- I believe the Papacy and the Pope
is and always has been the Anti-Christ of the Holy Bible. Mystery
Babylon is of course the Roman Catholic Church the Mother of all
Harlots. This is obvious to anyone who hasn't been brainwashed into
the Futurist doctrine that the Jesuits came up with in the 16th
Century. Yet, most of the Christian remnant (not even mentioning the
nominal Christians who believe in Futurism) believe the lie and are
ignorant of the true meaning of the Popes visit. Therefor everyone
can be played like a fiddle because they know not their enemy in the
flesh. Yes we war against spiritual wickedness, but manifested in
it's most evil form in the Catholic Church to be sure- and this
throughout history. And before the origin of that wicked Catholic
Church is the Mystery Babylon Religions they believe in which origins
back the Garden of Eden and Satan as a snake telling lies. See, all
the Catholic Church represents is LIES. And when I speak of
Christians, I mean Protestants by default and not those who are
supporting and part of the Anti-Christ church and it's harlots.
Because I've been learning and seeking
truth around this subject, I have been quiet in my blogs and videos.
I feel bad for all the sincere Christians who are parroting the lies
they have heard and spreading the fear and ignorance that the
Anti-Christ wants them to spread in the first place. They think they
are exposing the enemy and telling what the powers to be don't want
them to, but in reality they are being played like fools by taking
direction from futurist and actual controlled opposition like Alex
Jones. Instead of just keeping quiet and learning something, many
people feel like they are led by the Lord to continue to spew out
lies they haven't thought through for themselves. That's the problem
is people don't think for themselves, they- like lemmings -just go
along and are the worse for it. This is why I never wanted to go to
church and still don't want to, because inevitably at church mostly what you'll find is people who are delusional and think they are hearing
from the Lord, when they don't even know who their enemy is on earth.
Personally, I think most of these delusional people (many of which
are women and Ahab men) are simply being deceived by demonic spirits and their
Ahab husbands and Jezebel wives- aren't helping them see through the lies. Women are and
always have been more easily deceived, and that is Biblical. Yet, in
America and the West finding a Patriarchal household is more rare
than finding a Protestant on the Supreme Court!
I would advise you to stop spreading
what is being dished out for you to consume from the mainstream media
sources and also the mainstream alternative news sources as well.
This includes any futurist remnant Christian (as sincere as they may
be) like Trunews and Hagmanns. Listen to what they say, but disregard
their false prophetic views. Every Christian who is a Futurist is
ignorant of what is really going on in the world, and fall into the
exact trap that is set for them by the enemy that is unseen to them-
that being the Catholic Church and the Anti-Christ Pope. Take what
you will from this, but personally the Futurist doctrine never made
sense to me no matter how many books and videos I read and heard.
Only when I heard the Historicist view of prophecy is when I
understood not only the future- but also the past. How many of our Christian
remnant friends are talking about the Inquisition and what the early
reformation church believed? Are we not Protestants? Do you even know
what a Protestant is?
I can tell you one thing clearly, if
you think Catholics are Christians, you are going to be led into the
New World Order without a fight. Know your enemy, the Catholic church
has always been the biggest enemy of Jesus Christ, liberty, and all
that is Good. And most assuredly the Catholic Church has always been
the enemy of the Protestants who lived in the American Colonies under
Protestant British Control. By the way, I would much rather be
considered British than American, as America is nothing more than a
Catholic creation started in 1776 (at least Britain was once really Protestant as a formal country). Does all this sound foreign to
you? If so, then I would advise you to stop talking so much and start
listening and gaining understanding about the truth of America and
our manifested Satanic enemy the Roman Catholic Church.
I still listen and love the futurist
ministries we listen to, and also give money to, but when it comes to
prophecy or history they have nothing to teach me if they are
Futurist. They are still sincerely Christian and I know they will be
in heaven, but they are unable to help anyone when it comes to
knowledge about the past and prophecy.
Thanks for coming by, below are a
couple links to shows and brethren who will explain Historicism more
for you. God bless.
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