Naive Europeans Are Getting the Devils They Ask For

(update 11/21/15) Interesting that the video I did share showing a very well presented documentary about the hoard of Jihadist coming into Europe- has been removed from YouTube- was it YouTube censoring? Or was it the person not wanting to show it because they were being threatened? Or was it something else? Not sure, but it's gone - so I'm placing a similar video that is shorter but shows the problem Europe and America are dealing with and will be dealing with in the future until Jesus Christ comes back.


    This is a scary video (below the post) for sure, showing the truth about the forced immigration of Muslim devils by the Vatican New World Order into Europe in order to create chaos and finally destroy every vestige of their heritage and whatever sliver of Christianity left there. Remember satan hates every single human being (even those who work for him) and he only comes to steal, kill, and destroy- although he will deceive you into thinking he's just a harmless lover at first, if need be.

   Instead of being outraged for my European brothers and sisters, or for my own country which is going to and is suffering the same fate, instead I'm going to just be glad my real home is with Jesus Christ and this world is going to be destroyed very soon when Jesus comes back. And be assured, Jesus Christ is King of Kings and Lord or Lords and will judge everyone who rejects the Word of God.

   See, what Europe is going through is a judgement from God. I know that not every European is an unbeliever, but the light of the Gospel is very dim there, and this is the judgement they are actually asking for. That's why this video is so well done, because it shows the people of Europe inviting the devils into their country and then shows the reality of what the devils are doing (every Muslim is has a devil in them or is completely possessed). The Europeans have invited the devils into their homes through their pagan hedonistic culture and their rejection of Jesus Christ and now the devils have manifested into reality with Muslims marching down their rural roads killing, stealing, and destroying along the way. The whole time the naive idiotic blind fools are standing their with welcoming signs and signing them song of welcome! Realize I understand this is not all of the Europeans, but again it is very dark there indeed.

   American is not too far behind, so this is very much a video about America as well. America has been asking for judgement as well, and they'll get it in the form of devils of many sorts. Muslims are just a base form of devils, the cardinals and bishops of Rome are much worse (because they act like they're good people). And rest assured this is the workings of the Anti-Christ Papacy at the root, for reasons of creating the Vatican Jesuit New World Order. The final kingdom of Daniels prophecies has been ruling and is continuing to rule this earth- The Roman Empire, and the Muslims have always been a tool of theirs.

   I feel bad for the naive European people and the Muslims who think Allah is anything other than a demon. They're both equally deceived and will end up in an eternal hell without the saving grace and knowledge of Jesus Christ and the Word of God. Europe will be on my prayer list and I will be asking for mercy for them and for America, because we are witnessing the end of Europe and America before our eyes. Thankfully, before these devils will get their Jihad goal they'll be wiped out in an instant by the All-mighty God Jesus Christ. Praise God for this...


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