Only a week until the electoral college makes their final decision for the U.S. Presidential election on Dec. 14th.
The mass deception media has sprung forth like a false start at the 100 yard dash, only to not come back to the starting line, but keep running like an idiot in front of the entire audience and other runners, etc. Biden has won, I swear!
The election is not over, despite what the antagonistic rabble-rousers on the lame stream censorship central mass media say, as they are mere puppets and patsies for the big mobsters ruling the world.
Of which, speak like Jesuits, such as Pope Francis the Biblical AntiChrist of end times -- the office of the Papacy has held the AntiChrist since 538 AD.
The world is in a pickle, believe the lies, or believe the truth and be forced out of all their reindeer games.
Lockdown, facemask, left vs. right, global vs. national, black vs. white, and every other divisive tactic the enemy of peace and goodness can agitate and create through its vast network of sold out, compromised, intimidated, and ignorant useful idiots, waging the actual war against God's anointed, those believers in Jesus Christ and the Holy Bible.
How can it be?
Deception only works if we believe lies.
Many we'll have to learn the lessons of history again the hard way. One could read a book and study the true Protestant history and know the truth of who rules today, but this is a decision most are unwilling to make.
Who rules the world and what do they want?
The AntiChrist Papacy and the Vatican wants the destruction of God's anointed and the God of the Holy Bible.
This isn't going to happen because there is no life in death, there is no light in darkness. There is no life or light in the ancient serpent, the Devil.
The only power he has is from our allowance of sin in our lives, collectively, our allowance of sin in our formal and informal country.
Only a backslidden Protestant could believe good fruit will come from Trump, Pence, and other Catholic loyalists. Biden is a Catholic loyalist too. Most politicians are now in this Catholic run country, AntiChrist run country.
Yet, Trump will win the election through a Supreme Court decision from a case in Pennsylvania, of which recent news showcased Gettysburg as the location of a meeting between the Trump legal team and the legislators of Pennsylvania, in an effort to turn the elections to Trump.
This is significant considering Gettysburg is the location of the largest and most decisive Civil War battle in 1863...
Is this a coincidence, or are they telling us that Trump is going to win and cause a huge massive hissy fit from the left that will actually be co-opted by the agitating Jesuits in their leftist facade, and used to steal, kill, and destroy what good is left in America?
This climax of the left agitation will, as planned, get put down though quasi-martial law tactics, followed by a further purge of socialist, communist, and left radicals, to the delight of most of Americans, having been terrorized by their cowardly tactics and insane brainwashed ideologies for many years. Even if they have to bend the rules to do it...they may say or think -- this is war (cold type mostly)!
Create the problem, come up with the solution that gives the ultimate goal, which is always more control and power of the rabble.
At this point, getting arrested for opening a legal business, singing Christian songs in the streets, and being tazed for not wearing a facemask outside, shows how much power they have over the rabble, and to think, it is American people enforcing this COVID insanity, how shameful to be those bad as the idiots thinking up this deception to steal, kill, and destroy.
Anyways, listen to the podcast, as it is more on target with the election and explaining the current fake news episodes.
Don't comply. Resist insane mandates, our freedom depends on it. Thank you for those who have resisted and aren't complying, you are the real heroes in this nefariously orchestrated tragedy.
Blessings in Jesus Christ.
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