I wanted to make a growing list of online platforms that have censored this blog and my online efforts, merely for reporting and sharing news that contradicts the Vatican-led New World Order. Here are the sites that have completely deleted my accounts:
- Live Journal (2019)
- Medium (2020)
- Pinterest (2020)
- VK (Russian social site) (2020)
- Liveleak.com (2019)
I've also been issued warnings at Facebook twice and YouTube three times (warning and 2 strikes for medical misinformation). While my accounts haven't been deleted completely, they probably will eventually. I also wonder when Blogger is going to delete my blogs as well; thankfully, I have been syndicating at a handful of other platforms, so even if this happens I'll at least be able to continue on even though I would lose 8 years of blogging work here.
My advice is to post whatever you would normally and let the chips fall where they may; don't pander to these communists because it will never work out well compromising with evil. Sadly, I'm not sure there are many people left who want to hear the truth in America or the world anymore anyway. When the truth is and was available and people still don't want it, then we know most people have slipped over to a reprobate mind and God's wrath and judgement is upon them.
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