This one has the approval of YouTube, as they censored it within a couple of days after posting, another strike, another lie. Why not leave it up to the people who the medical elite are so desirous to inject with their strange concoction they say is good for us. Why not even inject our children with around 72 vaccines before they are even in adulthood!
People may say, oh, but those vaccines stopped many people from dying theoretically, yet what about the changes in sanitation, could this have anything to do with the many diseases of the past not being an issue in developed countries with good sanitation? No, it is because of the vaccines of course, because we can all trust the pharmaceutical companies and the wizards above them. The spell is cast, the superstition is set, the people are like fish in a barrel.
Take heart people and for goodness sake, stop taking these theoretical vaccines that have only been made to reduce the population and sterilize us, they are stamped by the Jesuits and uphold the approval of the Eugenicists -- this should tell us something. Yes, the mainstream culture and society are bought and paid for, as is the aleopathic medical system. The Coronavirushoax taught us this, and taught those who are smart not to trust these maniacs anymore.
Just say no to vaccines. Blessings in Jesus of Nazareth, the Christ and the Messiah.
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