Source: BitChute Channel
This documentary was going to be aired on mainstream television, but was pulled from the schedule at the last moment mysteriously. Television wasn't as controlled as it is now -- it wouldn't have even made it that far today.
The story it tells is horrific and the details that emerge expose those involved with shining clarity. From Boy's Town to the Presidency, those who we are supposed to trust the most are the ones we need to expose the most.
I remember watching this about 7 years ago and being horrified at what is going on in secret in America and the world. Although this is only one case, one place of wickedness in a world full of them, it connects so many people of note and gives us insight into how the workers of iniquity work for the AntiChrist Papacy in so many ways (central bank system, politics, secret societies, charities, media, etc.).
Be prayed up Christian warriors, this one is a dousy. Blessings in Jesus Christ and may he put an end to this wickedness quickly and help the victims recover and find faith in Jesus Christ.
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