The Lowdown Truth #45: Social Media Social Engineering


Recorded August 15, 2023

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What is the ultimate type of work for the majority of younger generations in America and the Western world? How about being a social media influencer, making a lot of money for simply making videos or taking pictures while being able to travel and live a life of luxury. 

Now, what does it take for a person to become a social media influencer? Well, they simply have to sell out and do what makes them popular on a controlled internet that rewards those who propagate the NWO's agenda. 

The social media platforms are made and controlled by the NWO in order to create the values of the majority of people in society, starting with the younger generations until every generation is completely brainwashed into their ideology. 

The illusion of being able to be creative and make money as a social media influencer is only a deception, in order to inspire millions of people to copy the social media influencers they have chosen to be popular. Some are organic and work towards the NWO's goals ignorantly, while others are controlled opposition who are part of the compartmentalization structure that perpetuates the social engineering program through deception and guile. 

On a large scale, what we have is social media creating the values of society; it is the main influencing factor in creating the type of values that support the NWO's agenda. 

Most people are ignorant of this and are just trying to become a social media influencer, that is, to make money creating videos, podcasts, blogs, showing pictures, and otherwise becoming "someone" on the social media platforms. 

While it may seem anything can go viral and that organic success can happen with enough chance, the truth is much more controlled and orchestrated. Nothing goes viral unless it serves the cause of the NWO, even if it comes from an organic and sincere source and seems to go against one side of the agenda. 

As of now, we have a radical left agenda in the ascendancy, but this can soon change to a far-right agenda according to what the NWO needs to control society to serve its purposes. 

The main takeaway is social media is the number one way the NWO is programming Americans with the values they want us to have. As of now, this is communism mostly, but soon it will be ecumenism, religion without the Truth -- rather just a form of truth, but denying the power thereof.  


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