The Lowdown Truth #46: The Papacy is the AntiChrist


Through taking control of the banking system, the agents of the Vatican have subverted all of the institutions of what used to be Protestant America, Northern Europe, and the UK. Maybe the worst damage of all has been caused by the Universities, including the Protestant seminaries that have been either created by the Vatican or infiltrated by their agents, chiefly, the Jesuits. 

One of the worst deceptions this NWO has perpetuated and created is called Futurism, which takes everyone's eyes off the true AntiChrist Papacy and places them on a future AntiChrist to come. An end times doctrine called Futurism, created by a Jesuit in the 1500s as a counter-Reformation tactic, is the main problem for modern Christians. 

Futurism has replaced the true doctrine of Historicism, which is what all the true Protestants believed before 150 years ago when agents of the Vatican started in earnest to use their grip on the money systems of the world to subvert our Protestant faith, turning it into a Catholic faith. 

Now, in 2023, all of the work the AntiChrist has done since the Protestant Reformation officially kicked off in 1517 by Martin Luther in Germany, is taking root and producing its rotten fruit. Futurism is one of these rotten fruits. 

The truth is, there are still Protestants left, just not as many. We know the Catholic Church under the control of the true AntiChrist Papacy has created all of the enemies we are now facing. They created these enemies, so we will take our eyes off the real enemy and even unite with the real enemy to defeat the contrived ones. 

The main enemies the AntiChrist has created are:

- Islam

- Atheism

- New Age

- Communism

- Fascism


Formidable foes, we must admit. Besides Islam, these enemies were and are created by the University system, which follows the standard template of the elite Jesuit Universities, including Georgetown and Fordham (where Trump was brainwashed). 

The University systems in America and Europe are nothing more than brainwashing centers to create and perpetuate the social engineering agenda, which creates all of these enemies and divisive forces in Protestant countries. 

See, we may have forgotten about the Protestant Reformation, but the AntiChrist Papacy hasn't. Just look at the vengeance they took out on the German people in the 1900s. In fact, they never forget and this is why they worked so hard to get control over the central banking systems. 

Zionism and Catholicism are the same thing, as Mystery Babylon includes all heresies and false religions since Nimrod and even before the flood. Ultimately, this NWO group is being directed by the fallen angels, including their chief, Satan. Many of their ranks are likely Nephilim, that is, not even human. 

What they don't want us to know is our true heritage, which includes Protestantism and the Caucasian people being the true Israel people. Our lineage comes from the lost tribes of Israel, yet we are unaware of this, instead thinking the Khazarians/Edomites in the modern country of Israel are the true Israelites. 

What is the NWO's end game with the AntiChrist Papacy in control? Playing out the false Futurism play and taking over the world.

Thankfully, they will fail, as they haven't deceived God, nor those who love the truth. Ultimately, Jesus Christ will destroy their miserable damned souls and those who believe in Jesus will live forever in paradise with a loving creator. 

For now, most Christians are under a strong delusion, and there will be consequences for allowing themselves to be deceived. 


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