Video: Shot Dead (COVID-19)


This is a video produced by We the Patriots USA. Here is the link to the BitChute channel I found it on called Not Fake News

The video details three different deaths caused by the COVID-19 shot. Two of the deaths were older teenagers and one was a newborn baby that only lived one day. Many stillbirths and newborn deaths have happened after the shot was introduced in mass to the deceived public. 

It is amazing how little we hear connecting the dots between the sudden deaths occurring and the genetic manipulation shot they gave to most people in the world. The government and health authorities made a huge deal out of a theoretical virus as dangerous as the seasonal flu, but haven't said anything about the millions of deaths and injuries caused by the shot. 

What is amazing is how people themselves can't put the dots together. Most don't want to know considering they took the shot, as they will worry about what it is doing to them. 

There is some information about the negative effects of the shot on YouTube, but they are still censoring videos like the one here, which you can only find on alternative sites like BitChute, Rumble, Odysee, and Brighteon. 

Unfortunately, most people will find out too late that there is a conspiracy driving the world leader's actions and innocent people are in the cross-hairs of their plans. If the masses can't wake up with the obvious scam of the plandemic, then they will likely sleep through the rollout of the mark of the beast as well.

All we can do as truthers and Christians is expose darkness and speak the truth, letting the chips fall where they may. There are still many individuals who can wake up and be saved by faith in Jesus Christ, if we can reason with them and show them the truth that leads to the Way. 


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