Ten Years and 200 Articles on The Lowdown Truth

The Lowdown Truth (LDT)started with its first post on Dec. 9, 2013. That was over 10 years ago. It was the first blog I started; I’ve created eight blogs since.

LDT is still my favorite blog, yet I write more now on Business and Society Articles (BSA). BSA is more palatable for the masses — what I write there is syndicated on Medium.

There used to be Adsense ads on LDT. Around three years ago Adsense said the site isn’t suitable for ads because of the content. I’m surprised it ever was suitable.

It’s not like Adsense paid very much anyway. You have to get tens of thousands of visitors each month for it to pay anything significant. Up until now, I’ve made an average of .40 cents per 1000.

This post will be the 200th article published at the LDT, including the 8 that were changed to drafts or deleted. That is an average of 20 posts per year for 10 years.

In that time, I created an email list with 75 recipients, including four of my own emails. There are also 10 Blogger followers, including myself.

LDT has had 510 comments that weren’t spam or bots.

The theme for the LDT was changed about one year ago. Now, it is more like a magazine or news website with multiple cards on the front page.

LDT used to look like this:

LDT has had 619,000 views.

Blogger views are usually higher than Adsense; unique visitors are probably a fourth of that total, so around 160k.

I created this blog to speak the truth about the conspiratorial reality we live in. To expose the deception the NWO is conditioning us to believe through endless propaganda. To bring people to the faith of Jesus Christ.

LDT is syndicated on Before It’s News and my WordPress blog, The Writer’s Lowdown, and Substack.

Blogging about obscure truths and conspiratorial plots isn’t palatable to mainstream society, which means this blog remains on the outskirts of the politically correct establishment internet. It generally remains shadow-banned and censored, as does my YouTube account which mirrors the blog.

The most popular article was quoted in a popular article on Cracked, which linked to my blog. The article was called, “The Real Eminem Died Years Ago,” and it has over 321k views. It has more than half of LDT’s total views.

The most prolific year was 2014 with 47 posts. There was a resurgence in 2022 with 35 posts (coming in second). I’ve been active each year, yet in 2019 LDT had only one post.

We lived in the back part of someone’s large property in our 5th wheel when LDT was started. My wife and I were married in the same spot and in the same year as LDT was started (Sept. 7, 2013).

Now, we live in Lake County in a rural area. We’ve moved 5 times since LDT was started.

LDT is a Christian ministry. It is a tool to expose darkness and help people become aware of the truth beyond the deception. It is to help the sheep follow the Good Shepherd and not the wolves in sheep’s clothing.

I’ll keep posting at LDT until the internet tells me I can’t. At that point, it will be time to escape the hive mind beast system and its imposed mark of the beast.

Although it is a lonely and obscure part of the internet, I believe it has helped many people find the truth and the love for it. This is the best reward.

LDT has some affiliates, a donation button, and a Patreon page. I’ve had a few loyal Patreon supporters over the last 5 years or so. I’ve never had anyone donate to PayPal. I did have some people sign up for PreSearch, yet nobody has ever bought any PureCBD or SmartGuard products.

Essentially, LDT is a ministry effort that I’m willing to do for free. If God leads anyone to support the effort, I truly appreciate it.

To everyone who has been part of LDT through reading, comments, prayers, and support — Thank You! May God bless and protect you and your family in Jesus Christ’s name.

Most importantly, thank you God for helping me do this! Praise Jesus.

Let’s keep it going. Another faithful watchman on the wall with the Lord’s help.


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